News News Yesterday, Acting CEO and chairman of TRADE BANK of IRAQ have visited the first TBI Tournament in Ramadan 2018-05-27 A cooperation agreement between the TRADE BANK of IRAQ (TBI) and the SAS 2018-05-26 The TRADE BANK of IRAQ, in cooperation with Al Doh company, is offering loans 2018-05-25 TBI started a week ago the first TBI Ramadan Tournament Games 2018-05-24 90 Days Can Get You Millions! Don’t hesitate to participate in TESTAHEL semi-annual draw of IQD 40 million 2018-05-22 On Sunday (20/05/2018), TBI Second Tournament in Ramadan for Domino game has begun 2018-05-21 For we care to motivate the social bonds and entertainment part 2018-05-21 On Saturday (19/05/2018), TBI Second Tournament in Ramadan for Football game has begun 2018-05-20 Part of Iraqia channel coverage regarding “TESTAHEL” third draw 2018-05-19 The Chairman and members of board of directors of Trade Bank of Iraq and all its employees congratulate you on... 2018-05-16 Dear Customers, We’d like to inform you that the official working hours (16/05/2018) 2018-05-16 For we seek to strengthen the social bonds among our employees 2018-05-16 Due to our responsibilities and that we always hope the best of life means for our elders and children 2018-05-15 Trade Bank of Iraq congratulates to the 4th winners, the second monthly draw for the second year 2018-05-14 On Monday (14/05/2018) in province Al-Najaf Mr.Ahmed Abed Mohammad Naji Al-Helu winner of “TESTAHEL” 2018-05-14 “SYARTY” is one of the new products lunched by the Trade Bank of Iraq 2018-05-11 #Barakat Ramadania campaign to aid our people in the liberated areas of Ninawa province 2018-05-10 On Thursday (03/05/2018), we are proud to announce that Trade Bank of Iraq has received the two following awards: 1-... 2018-05-05 Trade Bank of Iraq congratulates Mr. Ahmed Abed Mohammed for winning IQD 10,000,000 million in the second monthly draw 2018-05-04 “TESTAHEL” second monthly draw winners for the second year, TBI congratulates Mr. Ahmed Abed Mohamed 2018-05-04 At the end of the Financial Inclusion Week held in number of deferent places published earlier on 25-30- April 2018 2018-05-02 Participate in "TESTAHEL" to win many valuable prizes for the holy month of Ramadan 2018-04-30 The Announcement of the Second Winner of "TESTAHEL" draw issued by TRADE BANK OF IRAQ 2018-04-29 Trade Bank of Iraq has participated in Financial Inclusion week during the period 25-30 April 2018 2018-04-29 On Wednesday 25/4/2018, Trade Bank of Iraq was awarded by Deutsche Bank with LC Trade Finance Award 2018-04-29 Council of Ministers Agrees to Increase TBI Capital 2018-04-28 Press Release / the governors of central banks and Arab monetary institutions regarding 2018-04-26 For we care to consolidate proper saving concept and to encourage children to get familiar with the basics of banking... 2018-04-26 I love Mosul 2018-04-25 Regarding the CBI role in supporting the financial inclusion in Iraqi Kurdistan 2018-04-25 Trade Bank of Iraq will participate in Financial Inclusion week 2018-04-24 TRDE BANK OF IRAQ Re-opens its branch Karbala after reforms 2018-04-23 Trade Bank of Iraq congratulates the Four winners 2018-04-22 For we always seek to develop the professional performance of TBI employees and aiming to remain at highest levels 2018-04-21 The First Conference of Economy and Investment in Meesan 2018-04-20 Dear customers, we would like to remind you that: (19th of April 2017) is the last date to participate in... 2018-04-18 Increasing TBI capital from (1,750 Trillion IQD) in 2016 to (2,750 Trillion IQD) in 2017 2018-04-16 Announcement of first winner of “TESTAHEL” product provided by TBI 2018-04-15 TBI has announced the winner of 10.000.000 IDQ of “TESTAHEL” first draw 2018-04-14 TBI is to announce the first winner of 10,000,000 Iraqi dinars of “TESTAHEL” 2018-04-13 “Dr. Haider A-Abadi launched the reform initiative which contributed developing 2018-04-12 On Sunday (08/04/2018) in Baghdad Mr.Ahmed Abdul Aziz the winner of “TESTAHEL” 2018-04-11 Trade Bank of Iraq during the cultural events at Baghdad International Fair for Book 2018-04-09 The “Khat Mutasil” TV program hosts Mr.Fasial Al-Haimus, Acting CEO and chairman of TBI and Dr.Haitham Al-Jubouri on Al-Sumaria. 2018-04-08 You can watch the first monthly draw of “TESTAHEL” for the second year 2018-04-05 In order to strengthen our position to meet with the need of the external commerce between Iraq and worldwide 2018-04-05 Trade Bank of Iraq is very pleased to announce the names of “TESTAHEL” Winners 2018-04-04 From Now on, you can participate in TESTAHEL 2018-04-02 Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) is proud to announce that it has been nominated by The Banker Middle East Industry... 2018-04-01 #We Read_to Develop was the motto under which Baghdad International Fair for Books was opened 2018-03-29 Trade Bank of Iraq is pleased to congratulate the nine winners of “TESTAHEL”الف مبروك للفائزين التسعة 2018-03-24 Mothers deserve a certificate of deposit 2018-03-20 On Monday (19/3/2018) TBI, announced that we have opened the Children’s Educational Hospital 2018-03-20 You can watch the video of all winners in “TESTAHEL” For the first year 2018-03-19 Recent activities, Trade Bank of Iraq has participated at Banking Services Fair at Basra Times Square in Basra province 2018-03-18 On Tuesday (13/03/2018), Mr. Muhammad Al Yasseen, the winner of “TESTAHEL” first annual draw 2018-03-13 We continue to support all our employees, especially unique ones 2018-03-12 You can watch the video of “TESTAHEL” first annual draw 2018-03-08 For you deserve the best 2018-03-08 Dear followers in Basra 2018-03-06 » السابق 1 … 9 10 11 12 التالي «