TBI has announced the winner of 10.000.000 IDQ of “TESTAHEL” first draw

TBI has announced the winner of 10.000.000 IDQ of “TESTAHEL” first draw during the event which was held in Babylon Hotel. The event was attended by number of known figures. It was also covered by a full & direct pre coverage.

You can watch the full event on NRT channel.


Wishing the best luck for all the participants and urging others to participate in the next “TESTAHEL” so they can win valuable prizes and to enjoy the event which will be held each month.


مباشر.. السحبة الاولى لشهادة "إيداع تستاهل" من المصرف العراقي للتجارة TBI واعلان الفائز الأول بعشرة ملايين دينار عراقيتابعونا على التردد التالي12521 vنايل سات.. معدل الترميز 27500www.nrttv.com/AR

Posted by ‎NRT عربیة‎ on Tuesday, April 4, 2017

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